
Percentage to GPA Conversion Formula

You can find four percentage to GPA conversion formula in this article. However, I don’t recommend using those.

I have written extensively about Percentage to GPA Conversion. I strongly suggest, you should read the GPA Converter before reading the rest of this article.

I have received so many queries about how to convert academic percentage to GPA and CGPA to GPA. I’m not a big fan of GPA conversion, but I posted this just to discuss the different ideas students have and how they convert their percentage score to GPA.

The different academic systems around the world uses various scoring systems.

  • USA – GPA (4.0 scale)
  • India – Percentage (0 to 100) and CGPA (0 to 10)


I searched around to see what I can find about converting percentage to GPA. Here are some of the formulas used by students.

Percentage to GPA – Formula 1

  • 92-100 = 4.0 (A)
  • 90-92 = 3.7 (A-)
  • 87-89 = 3.3 (B+)
  • 82-87 = 3.0 (B)
  • 80-82 = 2.7 (B-)
  • 77-79 = 2.3 (C+)
  • 72-77 = 2.0 (C)
  • 70-72 = 1.7 (C-)

Formula 2

  • Divide by 100 and multiply by 4.
  • Example: Percentage = 80, then GPA = 80 divided by 100 and multiply by 4.

Formula 3

  • Same as Formula 2, but it’s simpler. Just divide percentage by 4 to get GPA.

Percentage to GPA – Formula 4

  • 70 -100 = 4.0 (A)
  • 60 – 70 = 3.0 (B)
  • 50 – 60 = 2.0 (C)
  • 40 to 50= 1.0 (D)
  • Less than 40 = F

A comment from a Yale University Admission Officer

I strongly suggest not to use convert percentage score to GPA using any of the formulas. When students ask about converting percentage to GPA, an admission officer at Yale University responded:

No need for you to convert. We ask for your GPA and also the scale. You would just report the 78 and a scale of 10.

In a graduate school application, you will find these:

  • What is your GPA:
  • Scale:

If you have 77% then you will need to fill the application

  • What is your GPA: 77
  • Scale: 100

Bottom Line: Don’t convert your percentage or your form of academic score to GPA while applying for admission to colleges and universities in the U.S.

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