us universities accepting ielts score

Complete List of US Universities Accepting IELTS Test Score

Recently, more and more U.S. colleges and universities had started accepting IELTS score as a major admission requirement.

If you have taken an IELTS test already, it’s not required to take TOEFL anymore. You can still apply for college admission with IELTS score.

Before that you must decide IELTS or TOEFL For USA and then take one English Proficiency Test. International Students ( non-native English speakers) are required to prove their English Proficiency while applying for college admission in America.

List of US Universities Accepting IELTS

The following is a list of 30 schools accepting IELTS scores for graduate school admission.

  1. Boise State University
  2. Brandeis University
  3. Ball State University
  4. Hawaii Pacific University
  5. Auburn University — Auburn
  6. California State University — Fresno
  7. Columbia University
  8. California Institute of Technology
  9. Central Michigan University
  10. Case Western Reserve University
  11. Georgia State University
  12. Eastern Michigan University
  13. Fairleigh Dickinson University
  14. Florida Institute of Technology
  15. North Dakota State University
  16. Harvard Business School
  17. Georgia Institute of Technology
  18. Indiana University — Purdue University Fort Wayne
  19. Missouri State University
  20. George Washington University
  21. Montana State University, Bozeman
  22. Kansas State University
  23. Gannon University
  24. University of Georgia
  25. Lamar University
  26. Temple University
  27. Rochester Institute of Technology
  28. Texas Tech University
  29. University of Central Florida
  30. University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Looking for complete List of Universities in USA and their minimum IELTS Score?

What is the Minimum IELTS Score Required to Study in the USA?

If your score is less than 5.5 ( TOEFL 46 to 59), you should consider retaking the IELTS Test. If you are targetting average Universities, then IELTS score of 6.5 or more is required.

Universities do give conditional admission if your  score is less than minimum required score.


  • Your Score is 6.5
  • Minimum Required: 7.0

Then you maybe still get conditional admission, but you could be asked to take an English Course  after arriving in the university campus.

Next – IELTS Test Experience: Panic Attack In Test Center. Bad Day.

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  1. Hello sir/mam i want to apply For Student Visa and overall 6 band, R 5.5 L6.5 W5.5 S5.5 is there any collage or university for me to apply in US in Master in HealthCare.???

  2. I have 6 not less than 5.5 in IELTS which of these following university will accept my score can you suggest me . I will be very thank full to you

  3. Hello sir/mam i gave my ielts exam and overall 5, R 5 L5 W5 S5 is there any collage or university for me to apply in US in management in hospility .

  4. hlo sir i got overall 6 band not less than 5.5 and i have completed bsc nursing
    can i apply for Usa

  5. I have scored Ielts 5.5 band. In writing and speaking I scored 6 band and in listening and reading I scored 5 band. With this mark can I get admission in USA university.

  6. I got 5 ILETS score and I have 4 Years IT experience , I want to apply for masters in USA. Kindly suggest some good university.

  7. I got 5.5 in IELTs. I have completed nursing. I want to apply for masters in USA. Kindly suggest some good university.

  8. My IELTS score is 5,5, are there any scolarships in USA? As far I know the university in California (I don’t know the name of university) which require IELTS 5,5 score and can offer scolarship… Can you give the info about that university if you know. Thank you ahead.

  9. My ielts score is 8.0 got ,L-8,R-9,W-6,S-7.5,currently doing mechanical engineering final year,having CGPA score 8.95.Do i get admission in good university in US for the Masters.

  10. I had 6 in my IELTS. Can somebody please help me with the enrollment into any of the universities in USA please.

  11. Hi I’m Shivarpit Shukla
    I got 5.5 in ielts overall, I am looking forward for admission in USA for MBA or MS in hospitality or international business, can someone please advise

  12. I have 6 score (L6.5 R,W, S 6.0) in ielts and want to apply for bachelor’s degree (business and economics). Which universities in USA or EUROPE can you suggest

  13. IELTS score- 6
    GRE -303 ;quant- 163 (85 percentile)
    BSC in Aeronautical engineering CGPA-3.6(out of 4)
    Want to do MSC in mechanical/materials/aerospace engineering

  14. Your Comment *Hi, I’m a nurse and I got ielts band score of 6.5, S-6.5 , W-7, L-6.5, R-6.5. Do i stand any chance of qualifying for registration as a nurse in USA

  15. I’m so confused why does it count so much I have studied English my entire life and I’m so good at it but for some reason I did bad in the IELTS exam does that mean I’m bad at English? I’m pretty sure no so why does it count so much they cant base their judge on someone’s English skills with some papers and questions.

  16. Could I able to get university in USA with score of ielts 5 for graduate admission

  17. Hello I got 5 band score from IELTS .What kind of university with scholarship can you suggest me to study MBA marketing or Marketing of Master?

  18. I have 5 years experience in Mechanical maintenance engineer and my ielts score W-5.5 , L -5, S-5.0. , R – 4.5
    Can I work and study in USA

  19. hi i am Md Rasel Rana and i have got ielts band 6 in which university can i get change to study in business level in europe

  20. Hi, i got 930 in SAT and in ielts i got 5 in speaking, 5.5 in reading, 5.5 in writing and 7 in listening. I want to study bachelor in computer software engineering. Which college is best for me in USA and canada

  21. My IELTS band score is 6.0 and looking US Universities for Masters in Regulatory Affairs….Pls much needed your help..not able to find out the exact universities according to the score

    1. I got 6 in ielts and want to do postgraduate in microbiology . Is any university preferring this course and 6 band?

  22. I got 5.5 in ielts and did bs.hons in agriculture i want to apply for msc can i get admission in USA with this ielts score . Kindly suggest some good universities.

  23. My ielts score 7.0 and looking for a schoalrship/// in the European countries or USA///
    currently studying at university third year student

  24. my ielts score is 5.5 and gre score 288.5. i am looking for master program in cyber security in university in USA. please help me.

  25. Hello i got 5 point for my ielts exam. My listening and speaking is 5.5 and reading 5 also writing is 4.5. Is there any chance to study in USA for geoscience major.

  26. If I don’t attempt GRE and give ONLY IELTS score for the admission will be a problem???

  27. Hi, I am zankhana. My score in IELTS-5.5, GRE-288 and TOEFL-64. Please suggest me the universities that has MPH (public health) and dental hygiene programs. Also, accept this scores.

  28. Your Comment *hello sir,/madam .l have an IELTS score,6.5 in speaking,5.5 in writing,4.5 in listening and 4.0 in reading.also having a professional certificate in management from i.c.m bournmouth England.please which school will be eligible.thank you

  29. Hello my ielts score is 7 and I am thinking of applying for USA.And is there any chance of getting scholarship for

  30. Hello Sir, Iam a nurse and I am looking forward to pursue Master’s in hospital and administration in U.S . I wanted to know if just Ielts is okay to get me through the admission or do I also have to take the GRE Test

  31. I got ielts band 6… No GRE…Have 5 years of experience.. Please suggest me Ms in computers USA universities list..

  32. I am B.E.(Mech). My GRE Score:-286
    IELTS Score:-S;-6,L;-6,R;-6.5 and W;-5.5 Overall:-6
    I want to take admission for MS.So which university got me admission?

  33. Please i got 4.0 in listening, 4.5 in Reading, Speaking 6.5 and Writing 6.0 and i want to study Master of Nursing in USA which university will accept this scores. Thanks

  34. Hello si, I have got overall 6 in ielts
    5.5 in writing and 6 in others and 1100 in SAT
    Which university is suitable for me to study biology.

  35. Hello I am Dinesh Sharma and my IELTS band score is 6 .And I am willing to study Astronomy in US .And I am really very puzzled regarding selection of universities and fee structure .So please guide me through this matter.

  36. I have got overall score of 6 band in ielts and will apply GRE aslo can I get admission with this ielts score for ms in mechanical in USA

  37. I have taken ielts and my band score is 6.5 can I apply for Masters with this score?without taking Gre,GMAT or TOFEL.

  38. Sir /Ma’am
    I have done with IELTS and got 6.0 band overall. And I don’t have any work experience…..still can I get any university or college in USA?

    1. Hi
      I have ielts 6, I will study in chemistry or IT .please let me know if there is university for master with this situations.

  39. I score 5.5 bands in IELTS exam will i get admission in Taxas A & M university for MBA.
    and the chance of getting VISA.

  40. Hi,

    I have scored a overall band score of 6 in ielts and have a working experience of 2 years.Can i apply for MS without writing GRE. If yes, Which universities will accept ?

    1. I have scored over all 6 in ielts I have 15 years of working experience In my business so I would like to join u c Berkeley extention course as there mim requirements is 6.5 can I still get a seat there

  41. Hi,
    I’ve got an overall ielts band score of 6.0. Is there any university in the US i can apply to? Or should i consider retaking the exam (which is a bit expensive?
    It will be money wasted if i can get a university with that score an still retake the exam.

  42. Hello Sir/Mam,

    I have done my graduation B.A(Bachelor of Arts) in 2012 and after that i starts working and having around 4.5 year experience with ITR’s(Income Tax Return) and got overall 6.0(W5.5.L6.0,S6.0,R5.5) and want to peruse an MBA from US. Please let me know do i eligible and which university is good for an MBA with lowest fees.

  43. Hello I got 7.5 band score from IELTS .What kind of university with scholarship can you suggest me to study?

  44. Sir my ielts band is 7.5 my background is bio-technology wat are the best colleges in USA for admissions
    Plz suggest me

  45. Hello sir
    My gre score is 299 and my iltes score is band 7.00. Is there any chance for me to get full fund in any of the US university in bilogical science.
    thank u

  46. Hi I have taken IELTS score 6 and I want to continue my study any Technology universitet in USA but I haven’t experience by maths and physics. Can you give me advice ?

  47. hii friends i got 5.5 bands in ielts and 293 in gre.Can i get any us universities without english program plan.

  48. Hello sir i have recently completed my btech with 78% and got 6 bands in ielts could u plz tell me is there any university in usa or canada where i am qualified to take admission in ms.plz tell me as soon as possible .thanku

  49. Hi sir,

    I want to do graduation in usa . My belts score is 6.5 bands
    Can I get admission in any university in California for my graduation.

  50. i have completed my be in ec barnch with 6.98cgpa nd get 5bend ielts nd gre 294 then i am applied in ms/mba in usa which one i am qualified

  51. i have completed my be in ec branch with 6.98cgpa nd get 5 bend in ielts nd gre score is an about 294 nd which mba/ms a am qualified

  52. i have completed my be with 6.98cgpa in ec branch nd ielts score 5 nd gre 294 then i which cource i apply in usa mba/ms which one

  53. sir i hve completed my be in e.c with 6.94cgpa ielts scores is 5 nd gre is 294 then i am able or not for ms in softwere

  54. hii,
    if i am not meeting minimum criteria for IELTS by 0.5. so they give a english proficiency course. what would be average fees for that course??

  55. hi sir i wrote gre twice and am very poor in maths my score gre score for the second attempt is 266 and i dont want to write it again . where as my IELTS score is 6.5 and with 60% . will i get the admission ?

  56. hi sir, I’m a citizen of Bangladesh. I want to complete my undergraduate program in USA.I haven’t any tension for living or eating cost or else,because my aunt and sister live there,I can live there. But problem is I got 5 in Ielts, if I retake again,my year go lose. so I don’t want to do retake. Is there any university or colleges have,whom don’t ask for Ielts or TOEFL? if they want me to admit in intensive English language course,then I will do that.. please help me out of this situation. please let me know as soon as possible,
    Thank you.

  57. i got ielts score 5 can u please tel me that can i do ms in usa will i get seat in universities in usa n my gre score is 270 n btch % 65 2015passed out please give me information please help me ….as fast as u can rply me plzzz

  58. I have completed BE MECHANICAL and I got 5.5 band in ielts, my gre score is 294 and my acadamic result is 8.84 cgpa. I am in tension because of my lower ielts score. is there any University in usa that accepts lower ielts score. I am going to take a admission in ms. Please suggest University according to my profile

  59. Hi..I got 284 in GRE and 68 in toefl. Could you please suggest me with the USA list of universities which accept my score.

  60. Hi..sir I got 5 score in ielts there is any chance do MS in USA.I am completed my graduate in the year of 2015 and I got 69% in b tell information the any suggestion.And am preparing of GRE in this exam am expecting 290 above..

  61. I got “GRE-284 and IELTS-5” Could you please suggest me with the USA list of universities which accept my score and I need scholarship also…. my contact number is 8500491887

  62. hi friends…… 2013 passed out….i got gre score -286 ,ielts expecting score 6,ug %-63,bl-16….please suggest me some universities

  63. I got “GER-280 AND IELTS-5 Bands” is there any university with offering scholarship in USA then make a call to me my number is +917569723383

    I am a civil engineer student. I need a course on “TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY ENGINEERING” in my MASTERS

  64. Hai..I got 284 in GRE and 6 bands in IELTS. Could you please suggest me with the USA list of universities which accept my score.

  65. hi,
    i ve done btech (69%)in 2011 and written ielts in april 2012 n got 7 band..
    i got married in august 2012…now i want to apply for ms fall2013…
    should i write gre or can i go ahead with only ielts..
    plz suggest some good universities for my profile

    1. Wayne state university may accept with out GRE if you show them three years or more of experience.
      Register apply online (Free application)
      Upload required documents
      decision takes anything upto 2 weeks. Once u get admission send them your transcripts they send you back i20

  66. planning to do MS in any non-technical courses in University of Texas…can i plz know Texas will accept only ielts…or gre, tofel is surely needed.

  67. Please i need to know if i can get an admission to study masters in public health in the us. I studied biochemistry with a gpa of 3.05/5.00. Ielts score of 7.0 and i’m planning to write gre this september. I am actually looking fo a school with an affordable tuition fee.

  68. i have got ielts band score 5.0. please help me to find computer techlogies or art photographer faculties

  69. Hi There one of my friend has scored overall 8.0 but its General so please suggest me few universities who accept general Ielts in UK also the universities which are providing Apprenticeship / internship options please let me know ………………so that he wants to continue his higher studies there please he wants to go for this September intake looking forward for your reply .

    Thank You ,
    Mamtha …….!!!!!!!!

  70. Hi,
    I have completed M.Sc. from UK (upper second class) and looking to do PhD from USA. My IELTS score is 7.0. Can I get admission based on these 2 or do I have to take the GRE and TOEFL as well?

  71. My gre score is 950 and ielts score is 5.5 ban and gpa is 3.30.
    For this fall 2012 in which university i can get admission??..
    please list the universities name.
    please guide me.
    thank u in advance.

    1. My gre score is 950 and ielts score is 5.5 ban and gpa is 3.30.
      For this fall 2012 in which university i can get admission??..
      please list the universities name. and these universities deadlines are after 10 june . so i can apply to these universities and send my documents .
      please guide me.
      thank u in advance.

  72. Hello, i need a help please !

    I got on the IELTS score 5.5 and i need to enter a university in Florida accept 5.5 on the IELTS …

    so please if there anyone can help me

  73. Hello

    i got 6.0 in IELTS n having experience of 3 years in IT..
    But univercities which i have appllied require 6.5 in IELTS,so will my experince count in getting I20 from those univercities….plz suggest me….

    1. i got 6 band in IELTS
      i am a veterinary doctors and masters in veterinary surgery, wants to get admission in PhD Microbiology in united stated
      kindly help me

  74. Hi,This is rao pursuing BE in MECHANICAL engineering.I want to do my MS in GERMANY OR NEWZEALAND.How much score i require in IELTS.Is it enough or any tests are required?Plz help me….

  75. Without Ilets or tofel can i got admission in USA universtiesto complete my MS. If yes tell me what is the process.and also give me list of that universities or collegess.

  76. hello sir….I”ve scored 8 in IELTS.and now,I want to Study Pharmacy in any of the reputed universities in USA that accepts IELTS score.But the irony is, my Higher Secondary results are’nt even 80%.Plz suggest me some of the names of some World reputed universities that shall accept me.Thanks.

  77. Hii sir, i have complete my graduation. I want to go USA to complete my masteress.please tell me how many bands are required in ILETS or how many score in TOFEL.give me some universties list those preffer ilets. With regards

    1. If u manage to score 100/120 in toefl or above and in case of IELTS 7/10 or above then u can get admit in a good univ and it also depends upon u r acads , gre score , as all play a major role when u r applying to a univ

  78. I wrote my ielts exam with BC and i got 5.5 band overall.. and my individual scoring is in reading4.5-,,,listing6.5…..writing5.5 and speaking4.5. .kindly can you say me which university is accepting 5.5 band .I hope so you can understand my problem

    1. hii taran did u got any reply…i to have same problem like you…that i got 5.5 in ielts and i want to do my MS in usa….plz help me any one wil any universities in usa accept 5.5 ielts score….

  79. hello sir? i m studying in computer engineering just i have to ask question whether ielts is enough for master science(ms) for usa ? and if it is enough how many score required please send reply as early as possible

  80. Hi sir, I got 6bands in IELTS and not yet done with GRE. Can u please suggest me some universities for MS in pharmaceutics or Health care administration…

    Regards Shoukath.

  81. hi

    I have ielts band score 5.5 and gre score 280.I want to do MS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING,can you suggest US universities accepting my profile.

  82. I wrote my ielts exam with BC and i got less than 5.5 band .kindly can you say me which university is accepting less than 5.5 band .I hope so you can understand my problem

  83. Hello Sir,

    I completed my 15yrs of Degree in B.Sc computer Science in yr 2006 and got IELTS 6.5 band. I have 5+ yrs of work experience. Can you please advice me whether I am eligible to apply Graduate program as computer science as option? I heard from frnds that 16yrs of degree is must to apply in Graduate. is that correct? The above universities you mentioned are great thank you. If you can let me know i will proceed further and apply to selected universities. Plz plz kindly respond me becze its imp for me. Looking forward to hear from you…

    1. Hi I have BSc degree in IT. I applied to the following colleges
      WPI, Indiana University at Bloomington, Stevens Insti of Technology, Missouri Institute of Sci and Tech at Rolla, Northeastern, University of Pittsburg, NJIT.
      All of the above accepted me except NJIT. Also Cleveland University has a bridge prog of 1 yr for Indian BSc degrees.
      So do apply even with a BSc degree.

  84. I want to know is there any university in USA that accepts IELTS score 6 for admitting in masters level in social Science .

  85. I have given my GRE and the range i got was very low. 680-880 my range. I have given IELTS and have got 7.0 overall. Please suggest me few universities in US where i will be admitted with this kind of score. I want to do MS in Computer Sc.

  86. Hello, i need a help please !

    I got on the IELTS score 5.5 and i need to enter a university in Florida accept 5.5 on the IELTS … 

    so please if there anyone can help me

  87. hi sir/mam
    I want to know how many bands they want in ielts for admission….plz reply me soon…..5.5 bands are acceptable or not???

  88. Hai 4nds please suggest me am in confusion,, is gre must 4 admission???
    is ther any another option

    1. u can apply for masters in pharmacy with ur ielts scores in U.K and Canada universities , their r very few universities in U.S accept only ielts, but if want to get into some good universities n in gud masters program u need to have gud gre scores……..!!

  89. sir, i am currently persuing from rajesthan vidhyapeeth university at(8th computer science branch) And i want to do m.s. from u.s. what should i do for admission which exam will i give and how the minimum scors to get a good university at us .one more question sir any distance learning student from india will get admission in u.s for m.s. degree

  90. Hi,

    I got IELTS score of 7. S-7,L-7,R-8,W-6.5.

    With only IELTS score can I apply for Harvard Business School for MBA programs? or do I need to give GMAT also??

    Please reply me at the earliest.

    1. Hello, Could u please give me some trips fo IELTS reading? If Io give ans by unrstanding , time runs out. If I adopt tactics , it aporaches incorrections. I need your kind helps. I took three times exams . But reading is always 5.5. Others sections are okay for me. I would be grateful, if you can help me. Thanks, BK

      1. One more: I am doing MBA in home country. Can you tell which USA University I can apply for MBA ifmy IELTS is6.5 and no GRE/GMAT?

  91. Hi HSB, I am currently pursuing my MS in USA. But this thing is getting really tough for me. Due to this I am so stressed. I am just worried about the amount of money my Parents are gonna pay. I am worried that what if I am not gonna get job over here than i will be in great trouble.

    I have looking my alternate career. I am planning to do a Masters In Teaching. I think that I can be a good teacher. Can you please tell me that can an International Student be an a elementary or middle level school teacher in USA? After completion of the MIT can I get an H1B sponsor letter from the job? Also can I change my degree from MS to MIT as I am worried about the Department of Homeland security people? Will they do any problem if I do that? Can you name some universities which accepts the international students for the MIT program.

    Please help me. I am so worried about my future. Please let my name and email address confidential. Can you give me your e-mail, i wanna personally take your advise?

    Hoping for your quick reply.

  92. Happy Schools Blog is awesome……'s very good and I think it's must for every student dreaming of US. It's my strong feeling.

    I've applied for two universities (1). St. Mary's-Texas and (2). CSU-Northridge. and I would like to apply to two more universities NYIT and San Fransisco st. university. I'm B.Tech final year at present I've 65%(5 backlogs), GRE-930, TOEFL-95++and I've selected major EE. Is my decision correct ?? How many admissions I'll get???

    Please suggest me………….

  93. My respected sir can u tell me plz that if i scores 5 band in ielts then can i take admission in harvard business school for studying in post graduation.i will wait for ur reply sir.

  94. Dear sir,

    I want to know that how many years study gap is acceptable for

    study in USA.

    Thank you

    Gian jakhu

  95. i have done B.E in I.T I am going to take ielts should i also give GRE for taking admissions in U.S universities for M.S

  96. hii..this is reshmi.Im doin my graduation final year.I wrote IELTS n scored band 7.To get into US universities should i write even GRE also??

  97. Hello this is Shruthi,

    I have a lot of questions and doubts, so i will start of with a brief introduction about my self,

    I am a bachelors of Architecture from R.V.C.E, Bangalore.(1999- 2005)
    Masters in Social Science(Planning and Environment) from RMIT, Melbourne.(2007- 2009)

    Work experience.
    1. worked for architectural firms for 3 years.
    2. worked as a trainee in Cistup. IISc, Bangalore. (3 months)

    I am now looking a Phd in Planning field (Smart growth, Gender in planning, Mixed use planning). I am an average student in terms of studies, but hard working and dedicated worker and have been recognized for my outstanding performance by my employers.
    In my Masters i used to take 4 course per sem for visa obligation and used to give only 3 exams. Hence my GPA is less though i have got couple of distinctions and credits. Similar situation has occurred in my bachelors as well.
    will this be an issue to get a seat in the universities, will i be given a chance to explain myself as the best fit for that position?

    I had written my IELTS before joining the Masters course 3 years ago and had scored 6.5 (L 7.5, R7, W6, s6) so is this sufficient or should i write my TOFEL ?

    I have heard few people saying that if i have done my Masters in other English speaking countries i need not write my GRE as well is this true?

    Is it rite for me to speak about this to the professors in the universities i have selected?

    I am planning to take up my GRE next month and i am doing my best to do good
    so should i wait till i get my marks to talk to the professors ?

    I have got 45 universities in US which gives Phd in Planning course according to APA, but i am not able to skim the best once or put them in order according to there rankings or tiers. By doing so i can eliminate the bad once. is there any site which can help me do this?

    Thanking you,

    1. I had written my IELTS before joining the Masters course 3 years ago and had scored 6.5 (L 7.5, R7, W6, s6) so is this sufficient or should i write my TOFEL ?

      >> TOEFL and IETLS are valid only for 2 years. You have to re-write either TOEFL or IELTS.

      I have heard few people saying that if i have done my Masters in other English speaking countries i need not write my GRE as well is this true?
      >> Incorrect. You maybe be able to get GRE waived, but check with universities.

      Is it rite for me to speak about this to the professors in the universities i have selected?
      >> Yes, you should contact the professors.

      I am planning to take up my GRE next month and i am doing my best to do good so should i wait till i get my marks to talk to the professors ?
      >> Concentrate on getting good score as of now. If you have time, browse universities. – Check

      I have got 45 universities in US which gives Phd in Planning course according to APA, but i am not able to skim the best once or put them in order according to there rankings or tiers. By doing so i can eliminate the bad once. is there any site which can help me do this?

  98. hii sir,

    i have given my ielts and got band score of 6.5, n can i get admission in masters in pharmaceutics in any university of us and is their any requirement of gre in those universities which accept ielts score, kindly reply me

  99. Sir/friends

    I have given IELTS but in general module since i had a plan to put the PR immigration file for Canada but, Can I use this score for ph.d. admission? Is there any consideration of having a score in general module for admission purpose?

  100. hello sir,

    I'm doing my final year B.E.ECE..

    is ielts score enough to join M.S? is it taken instead of TOFEL or GRE??

  101. Hi, am writing gre in a month.I hav taken ielts and my band score is 6, is it necessary to undertake toefl or universities wil accept ielts score.

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