h1b visa registration tool screenshots features

Sneak Peek Into H1B Visa Registration Tool [with Screenshots]

Are you wondering how this brand new H1B Visa registration tool looks?

What information is entered by the employers about the H1B Visa applicants?

Are there any checks implemented to avoid duplicates or multiple filings?

Worry not!

You can see for yourself from the screenshots below.

Here’s the sneak peek into the New USCIS H1B Visa Registration Tool.

1. Before You Start Your Registration (H1B Visa)

There’s a notice on the very first page about duplicate registration by the same employer.

But, here’s what I can infer from that notice.

  • H1B Visa Registration tool does not check for duplicate entries
  • An employer can submit up to 20 entries per submission
  • It may be possible for the employer to submit multiple entries (by human error).


1 - h1b visa registration tool - before start duplicate multiple applications

2. AutoSave, Notices & Start Registration

I would say the Auto-Save feature is a must, and it will save a ton of headaches if the screen were to crash.

And it follows the regular Department of Homeland Security Privacy policy.

This registration system will save millions of papers (when the H1B petitions are returned).


2 - h1b visa registration tool - privacy policy and auto save

3. Employer Questions for H1B Registration Tools

Employer details are filled out first before the H1B Visa applicant’s details.

It’s not clear if the Employer details will be saved after the initial batch is submitted.

If an Immigration Attorney is applying for 35 applicants within the same employer, they would have to do it in two batches at the least.

Do they have to enter Employer and Authorised Representatives details twice?


3 - h1b registration employer questions 1 to 3

3 - h1b registration employer questions 4

4. Authorized Representative Questions

Here are the questions asked about the Authorised Representative.

This person could be an Employer or an Immigration Attorney.

  1. Name
  2. Title
  3. Contact Information
    1.  Phone Number
    2. Email ID

If the petition is selected in the Lottery, notification should be sent via Text Message and Email. So, USCIS should be using the data from these fields to convey information.


4 - Authorized representative questions 1 -3 h1b registration tool

5. H1B Visa Applicant – Add Beneficiary

Now, H1b applicant’s data can be entered here. But, before that, Add a New Beneficiary.


5 - h1b registration tool add employee


6. H1B Visa Applicant Details

Now, it’s time to enter the H1B Applicant details.

If I were entering this data, I would copy-paste the entries, then typing to avoid mistakes.

I’m guessing, a person responsive to enter the data will have a spreadsheet with details.

  1. Legal First, Middle and Last Name (checkbox for blank names)
  2. Gender
  3. Advanced Degree Cap (Yes/No)
  4. Date of Birth
  5. Country of Birth
  6. Country of Citizenship
  7. Passport Number

6- h1b visa employee registration tool fields q1-2

6- h1b visa employee registration tool fields h1b applicants

7. Add More H1B Visa Applicants

After adding one H-1B Visa applicant, additional applicant’s can be added before submission.


7. Add More H1B Visa Applicants

8. After Adding Multiple H1B Visa Applications by Employer

In this example, USCIS has used four H1B Visa employees for Registration for the H1B Cap subject visa.

8 Multiple H1B Visa petitions added to single profile

9. Summary for H1B Visa Registration Filing Fee

The total H1B Registration Fee is displayed.

$10 per registration.

In this case, $40 for four entries.

9. Summary for H1B Visa Registration Filing Fee

10. Authorized Representative Statement

Another step (you can read this)!

10 authorized representative statement h1b registration tool

11. H1B Visa Registration Tool – Signature

Some of you might wonder, what will USCIS do if the employer did not apply after selection in the lottery.

I would think (USCIS) could ask for an explanation.

What if the employee left the company or Green Card was approved, or they decided to use the EAD.

These are legitimate reasons. I’m not sure how this will be handled.

There could be an instance where applicants applied for multiple employers and got selected with more than one employer. And Employee decided no to go ahead with one H1B Visa petition.

Would the employer reprimand the employer or employee?



10 authorized representative statement sign the form

12. Pay and Submit the Entries for H-1B Registration Tool

USCIS did not provide details about the payment page.


h1b registration tool pay and submit for lottery


13. USCIS H1B Visa Lottery Entries Submitted

That’s it. You have been entered into the H1B Visa Registration tool.

USCIS-h1b visa registration tool successful submission

USCIS should have implemented this Registration system when the lottery became a routine. But, you have to appreciate this new process. It’s efficient and saves so much time for the employer and the applicants. Between March 20 to 31, 2020, the employer should receive the lottery selection notification.

Video Review of H1B Visa Registration Tool

Question – If you were to design a system, what other features would you add to this H1B Visa Registration tool?

Applying for H1B Visa? Read These Articles

  1. H1B Visa 2021 with 15 FAQ’s, Lottery Process, Timeline and Dates
  2. 11 FAQ’s About the H1B Visa Registration Tool
  3. 5 Best Features of H1B Visa Registration Tool

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  1. Hi Raghu,
    Does initial registration selection process is LUCK BASED lottery selection or preferences would be given for people with masters or highly skilled experienced people. Whether all factors taken into account for selection or its just random lottery?

  2. Are we able to file Multiple Application with diff employer ?
    EX: 2 Application , 1 from Employer ABC and 1 From Employer XYZ ?
    Please let me know.

          1. You should have that discussion with your Client and if your employer will allow you to work FT at the client.

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