Degree Programs

How to Become a Doctor in USA [Video]

How long does it take to become a doctor in USA? What exams do you have to complete to get admission into Medical Schools? What about specialty?

Most of the common questions are answered in this video.

After you watch this video, you will understand the process to become a doctor in USA is much tougher than in India.

Steps to Become Doctor in USA

So, what do you think? Do you agree that process to become a doctor in USA is tougher than India?

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  1. Your Comment *
    can anybody able to dr. in usa without crack usmle…
    may it possible or not ?
    i m a student at etu georgia europe …m want to go usa …how can i go usa from georgia…

  2. Hlw……i am bangladeshi…what is the next steps in usa for pracricing after completion of mbbs degree from banglasesh??

  3. HI

    How long does it take to become a registered pharmacist in USA? What exams do i have to complete to get registration?

    1. Hi,

      It depends on where you have done your Pharmacy degree. If you have graduated from a 4 year Pharmacy program(like B.Pharm-India, M.Pharm-UK) then you cannot practice Pharmacy in USA.

      These are the steps to become a registered Pharmacist in USA:

      1. Give FPGEE(Foreign Pharmacist Graduate Entrance Exam)

      2. Intern for 2000+ hours

      3. Give NAPLEX and MBDJE(Like American Pharmacists)

      4. Give State Exam(Your choice)

      FPGEE is the 1st step and to be eligible you need to have a 5 year undergraduate degree. Postgraduate degrees are not allowed. You cannot do 4 years of Bachelors and 2 years of Masters.

      UK: 2 years of A levels+4 year M.Pharm=FPGEE

      India: 6 years Pharm.D=FPGEE

      *Not sure about 5 years honours course at Nirma. You have to check with someone from Nirma…

      Hope I helped 🙂

      Best Of Luck 😀

      1. Oh and these rules are because USA has a similar system of education.

        This is how it works:

        1. 0-6: Students come straight out of high school. 2 years Pre-Pharmacy and 4

        years Pharmacy. As long has you maintain a minimum GPA you are

        guaranteed a spot in Pharmacy school. Only 9 such programs in USA

        Very competitve and difficult to get into especially for international

        students. MCPHS is a good option….

        2. 2+4: 2 years Pre-Pharmacy + 4 years of Pharmacy. Here you have to get

        a high GPA(3.5-3.7) and then you get an interview invite. If you pass

        the interview then you get admission to Pharmacy school. Extremely

        competitve and difficult because there are many applicants. You

        get admission as a transfer into Pharmacy school. Also more

        difficult because there is no bachelors degree. Some colleges offer

        EA(Early Assurance) which is also very difficult. You get the required

        GPA in Math and Science and get an interview.

        3. 4+4: This is traditional method. 4 years of whatever you want + Pharmacy school.

        There are also 3 year accelerated programs but that is not recommended.

        The last options for graduates from 4 year Pharmacy schools is to do Post BS or 2 years of Pharmacy. Only 2 schools offer Pharm.D for foreign graduates(Nova Southeastern University and Western University) Admission is very

        competitve and hard because people apply from all over the world.

        Last there are also many online programs but they are not recommended.

        It can take 7-8 years to become a registered Pharmacist in USA.

    2. Hi
      I have completed BHMS from India and wanted to become a docter in USA.
      What should i do next…??
      Do i have to study MBBS from USA…???

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