Why Good People Can’t Get Jobs?

Today’s top news article is titled Software Raises Bar for Hiring at Wall Street Journal.


In an essay in this newspaper last fall, Peter Cappelli, a professor of management and human resources at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, challenged the oft-heard complaint from employers that they can’t find good workers with the right skills. “The real culprits are the employers themselves,” he asserted.


Not surprisingly, his essay drew a lot of response. What did surprise Mr. Cappelli—as he describes in a book, “Why Good People Can’t Get Jobs,” to be published in June—was the frequency of complaints about the hiring process itself, particularly the now-ubiquitous use of software to screen applicants.

In many companies, software has replaced recruiters, he writes, so “applicants rarely talk to anyone, even by email, during the hiring

Good People Can Get Jobs?

What really struck me is the title of Mr.Capppelli’s book Why Good People Can’t Get Jobs?

I spent few minutes reading the above piece in WSJ and then my thought process kicked-in.

Many international students don’t understand the hiring process followed by employers in USA.

During the campus interview in India, companies hire large number of students. Thats not the case in USA.

Students have to start applying for jobs atleast 5 months before Graduation date by following one or more job search techniques.

If traditional job search approach ( submitting resume directly at company website) doesn’t work, then one should follow different job search approach.

The real challenge is to realize that current job search technique is not working.

You could consider yourself good and deserving, but that’s  of no value if employers don’t consider your profile to be good.

Since, software is rejecting qualified candidates, even good people  with right skills are will find it hard to get the job.

Fortunately there are  ways around the software screening.

Thats called Networking – professional and personal networking, you can make real connections with real people.

Your connection can print your resume and hand it over to hiring manager will make a world of difference.

Don’t just reply on one job search method.

Use multi-pronged approach towards your job search.

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  1. I agree with Aijazz, many men after two years MS / MBA here I doubt whether they are men or women, the shape itself has changed due to the America’s CPT (Curriculum Practical Training) during study

    1. Many MBA’s and MS IT’s are working in kitchens, grocery stores just for small amounts. Exploitation is very high for men and women in all kind of jobs, even low level or high level. Nobody hesitate and willing to do because no options; paid big fees; how can go back to their home country without work, experience; If anybody call and ask from India, they tell that I am working in IBM, Mc Graw Hills, Amazon etc. Recently I seen a person who has fixed marriage in India with a wealthy family and high dowry saying that he is working in DELL, he is MS IT , but working as cleaner in a Gas station.

  2. The grammar of HSB Posters is awful and makes their comments unpalatable to read. There should be a system to check this.

      1. I am TESOL certified through SIT and currently hold an executive position in an office that works with international students seeking higher education. I think the site and the comments are wonderful examples of peer to peer advising. In my opinion the grammar errors hold a certain charm.

        I see HSB and its comments section as informal in nature, and thus outside the jurisdiction of the grammar police 😉

        In the event that I absolutely could not understand critical information in a post or comment, I would simply take the initiative to ask for further clarification.

      2. the errors in the sentence, makes me feel that, i am discussing/listening to a human and not the monotonous mails that i receive daily. i feel these errors are acceptable. my point is ,it is important to do something productive rather than finding faults that everyone knows and comes across.

  3. Softwares are replacing HR executives; unemployment in america is increasing..business schools are still trying to make money – not employments; this is present America; your capabilities and knowledge are not assessing; what stupidity you written in the resume is scanned by softwares and employing:

    When trying to do networking in America please try to be americanize to get an early post or retain the existing post; how simple – if you are male try to make big asses and mouth – if you are female try to be better than Monica Lewinski..
    Where will reach American employment market.. CHINA has to find better answer

    1. hey aijazz hassan is there any website which can tell in full detail about the current employment situation in america

  4. great post.. HSB!! (once again)

    (also i mistook the word ‘mulch pronged’ for ‘much prolonged’… the word really had a different meaning – liked it.)

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