brazil lifestule

Here’s Why I Really Wasn’t Impressed About Living in Brazil

I am a regular reader of Happy Schools Blog and I have gained quiet a lot of tips for applying for MS, but now I am confused weather I should apply for MS or not, after doing a foreign internship in Brazil.

I am a student in one if the NIT’s and was selected in scheme by a government scheme and was sent to Brazil for doing the internship. ( USA Lifestyle in 20 factors )

After going there I did not like it much staying there as most of the people did not interacted and socialized much and no Indians were there.

brazil lifestule
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Although my project was very good and I liked it but besides the project I did not like it much staying there.

So now I am confused whether I should apply for MS in USA or not, if the social aspects would same as that in Brazil.


Lifestyle for Foreign Students

It will take time to adjust to lifestyle in different country.

You need to have good friends and support structure around you. When you go on internship or short trip, its tough to get used to life around.

In USA, you will find several Indians to get along at work or at school.

Even in USA, it will take time to settle down, if you don’t have good friends around.

I was talking to a person who came to USA for Fall 2012 and see what she had to say

The university is nice, the classes are interesting. Otherwise life is dull, lonely and depressing. And it doesn’t look like it’s going to change, sadly.

We have heard similar experiences shared by students coming to USA. But, if you get through one semester, you will get used to new lifestyle.

To make your life easier , make friends, hang out with them.  When you have good friends circle, you have things to do together, watch movies and hang out.

But, I can definitely say that life in USA is not same as lifestyle you have described in Brazil. It’s lot different and probably you will find lot of Indian friends to hang out.

So, social life in America will be different for Indians. I have been living in USA and just came back after spending 2 months in Europe. American lifestyle is much more easier in terms of home, day to day life, etc (Updated in 2015).

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  1. Nobody socializes like the way Indians do.I’m a graduate student at a university in Ohio.From my experience here,I can say that people here (citizens) are not very happy with foreign students.They think Asians are taking away all the jobs.In USA people pretend a lot which can fool many Indian students.If you are planning to come to USA pick a university that has a good Indian presence.But it should be better than Brazil,Mexico etc.

  2. Listen man im gonna tell you the reality over here. Your job is just that, your job. It earns you a paycheque and pYs your bills. When you leave your house leave it at the door. It has no purpose. Your boring interests like technology or programming or something like that has no value in the real world.
    Now brazil as a culture is very expressive , emotionally and sexually. Get in tune with the mentality over there. The girls want you to look them in eye and convince them that you are awesome. The guys over there ( and quite frankly even in north america and europe) bond over women. So get good with women. This isnt your boring NIT campus where a bunch of sexually frustrated dudes homo around and pretend to bond over old monk rum
    Dress well , buck up , go to a gym , smell good, cut down on spicy smelly indian food, be confident. That is how you fit into and integrate into western culture. Your job and boring tech interests are just that, they are yours.leave them at home when you go out

  3. If you still feeling bored…… after doing everything people have mentioned here…. then u could try to make new friends …. according to ur interests/passion…ur interest can be a technology area or just a non-tech activity. US gives u so much of opportunity for everything in life. I am not sure if you are aware of meetup. Websites like meetup allow you to search for near by events/social gatherings you could do a free registration and some of the communities have weekly/monthly meetups organized. And it does not stop there. If u dont find a meetup of your interest near by your area, then u could start one.
    So there are a million things to do….. in terms of social activities …. u just need the right friends../ groups …. and another important item in ur list of things required would be a Car.
    So so not resist ur passion because of this reason. If you truly want to head in the direction of your passion of studying/working in US, this should be the last thing to resist you from doing so.

  4. The main thing was that there was not much interaction because of the language barrier as very few people know English there. Except few of my lab-mates there was no one with whom i can discuss things.
    I dont think language will be a problem at all in USA.

  5. Why should Indians be there everywhere Indians visit? Probably the internship duration wasn’t long enough to get acquainted to Brazilian culture? Its good to go to new places, appreciate the local cultures,languages,foods instead of thinking of wanting to meet more Indians (that beats the whole purpose of going out of India right?)

  6. i agree it depends on person’s nature only if you are willing to accept the difference and try to fit in it always is possible….some of my north indian friends find it difficult in chennai initially but gradually they interacted wid people and found ways to enjoy life….well best of luck for for US studies

  7. Hi,

    I know a friend of mine who is doing his master’s in Brazil. He made some really close friends there. So I don’t think you can blame it on them.

  8. Meh.. depends on your outlook.. I have been here for over an year.. don’t find it dull or depressing.. I go out.. Party / drink occasionally, dats my style, you don’t HAVE to.. I’ve been to book reading sessions too (for the non – party goers) .. meet new people.. it’s a HUGE cultural diversity here.. Apart for maybe once or twice i never felt unwelcome in an American gathering, and also that was in the beginning, when I was not mature enough to accept the diversity.. if you keep the home outlook here.. and expect to be around plenty of JUST INDIANS and not JUST PEOPLE, you will always be unhappy and lonely no matter what country you go to. Period.

    1. I totally agree with u Umk. I have been in Florida from last 40 days for my PhD and have never felt that I don’t belong here. My seniors came to pick me at the airport and I have made lots of friends within a period of 8 days of various cultures and not just Indians. Got to meet a lot of Indians and made friends with them and their families and am continuing to make more friends as days pass by.

      You just need to be open hearted and open minded and u will never ever be lonely. Our university too makes sure that there are various interactive sessions going on with culturals, parties, get togethers, open houses etc being conducted regularly although I have not been able to go to much of them due to my workload but still I go out with my friends (combo of Chinese, Indian and American) during weekends and its a lot of fun.

      So don’t get disheartened and let yourself be more open to the diversity and changes and life will welcome you with open arms 🙂

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