gre study plan 3 months scored 315

GRE Score 315 – Strategies + My Daily & Weekly Test Prep Plan

Rizwana recently took the GRE Test, and she scored 315.

That’s well above the average score of 301.

Here’s a quick summary:

  • GRE Score: 315
  • GRE Test Prep Time: 3 Months
  • Study Materials: From Official Sites, Kaplan and Princeton Review
  • Strategy:
    • Daily: Learn New Strategies and Solve Problems
    • Weekly: Practice Test to Assess the Progress

By following the daily and weekly assessment routine, for three months, I was able to score 315 in the GRE Test.

I referred to most of the study material that was available on the official GRE website, and it helped a lot.

I also attempted the two full-length GRE tests on the official GRE website.

  1. One about a month before the test and
  2. One a week before the test day

Other than that, I also solved the sectional and full-length tests given in The Kaplan GRE and The Princeton Review books.

You should know your strengths and weakness with various questions types in the GRE.

I assessed my strengths and weakness in Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Analytical Writing.

Once I have identified the weakness, I spent the time to learn strategies to address the gap.

That’s my daily prep.

At the end of each week, I will take a test to see if I improved.

gre study daily and weekly schedule for increase test score

The practice is the key to a good score in GRE.

Whatever time you have in hands before your test, use it effectively.

Each day choose a section and practice different types of questions and strategies to solve them.

Weekly full-length tests are a great way to assess your preparation.

Another most important factor is TIME.

You don’t want to miss out on any questions in your test in which you might score well. So, always go for timed tests while practicing.

On test day, as soon as the analytical writing part is over (which is the first section of the GRE Test), forget about the topics, your essays, and how you wrote the essay.

Compartmentalize your Energy and Focus!

Concentrate on the upcoming sections.

Maintain a reasonable pace from the beginning.

Allow some extra time for Reading Comprehension (RC) questions in the Verbal Reasoning section as RC is a bit more time consuming than Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence.

Try to maintain 100% accuracy.

Double-check each answer as you proceed, don’t wait for the end of the section to check answers. You may not have enough time in the end.

Mark the questions where you need some extra time to think, and you may come back to them after finishing all the other questions if you have any time left.

I scored quite well on the quantitative section- 163 or 86 percentile rank. 

My significant strengths here were Time and Accuracy.

My verbal scores were 152.

Here, I scored better on Sentence Equivalence and Text Completion than Reading Comprehension.

Moreover, reading lengthy passages took me some extra time, too, which I could have used to double-check my answers.

So, the thing to remember is, while attempting Reading Comprehension questions, don’t devote too much time towards reading the lengthy passages and then trying the question.

Do simultaneously – reading questions and reading the passage.

Label every paragraph of the passage.

Go through the questions, find the relevant paragraph, and then dig deeper into it, if required. This strategy works well according to my personal experience.

Well, I am quite happy with my scores, and I have received admission offers from some of the best colleges in the USA.

All the best to all the aspirants!

Related Article: GRE Test-Taking Experience

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