
Job Search Tips

followup job applicationHere’s several Job Search Tips that will help you land a job after your college here in USA.

#1  – Online Social Networking Profile.

Employers search Google and other search engines using your Full Name.

Try searching in google with your full name “First Name Last Name” to see what results show up.

If you have contents that can prevent employer from hiring you, then remove them from your profile.

Typically Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn will top the list.

So, pay special attention to your online profile from those 3 sites.

#2 – Be Active in LinkedIn is the best professional networking site out there.

  1. Create complete profile in LinkedIn
  2. Use professional looking photo for the profile.
  3. Join Groups and take part in the discussions.
  4. Answers questions posted on the LinkedIn Answers section
  5. Link status updates to your Twitter Account.

If you are not sure how to create a good profile, browse around existing profiles and learn from other profiles.

#3  – Various Job Search Phases

I can split job search cycle into various phases

  • Passive Phase
    • Identification
    • Getting ready
    • Building Network
  • Active Phase
    • Application
    • Interview
    • Job Offer

Typical student starting your education (first semester) will be in Passive Phase. About 3 months before graduation you will have to move into Active Phase.

Same rule applies to searching for Internship. If your passive phase starts 3 months before graduation, then you preparing to shoot yourself in your foot.

F1 Visa – Students in OPT should find a job within first 90 days of OPT start date.

#4 -Silly Email Address is Job Killer

I come come across students with great grades, projects  and extracurricular activities, and then notice that they have an email address that’s completely inappropriate.

Poor email address shows a bit about who you are.

You can have any number of email address, but when it comes to job search, stay simple.

Register an email address using your first name, last name, or first and last name initials. Use that for all applying for jobs.

#5 Connections Not Skills

So, how does the 80% of hiring that occurs in the informal job market actually happen?

The way Eben did it: by building up a professional relationship with people within the organization doing the hiring, long before the hire is made.

Connections. Referrals. Knowing people who know people.

This means that, in the vastly larger informal job market, human relationships and a solid network are far more important than GPA figures on a resume.

#7 – Salary Negotiations

Everywhere you will find the following tip – You lose if you give the a number first.

While attending the interview, you will be asked the following question.

What salary range are you looking for?

If your response is something like this

Considering my experience, job requirements, I’m expecting around $60,000.

You have lost the argument. When you give the number first, then employer has the upper hand.

Companies while hiring will have a range for the posted position. If their range is 70,000 to 95,000 per year. You just told 60,000.

Which means they could  offer you say 55,000.

If you negotiate, max you can get is 60,000 or accept 55,000 per year.

In either way, by giving your salary first, you have given up your advantage.

At the same time, I know its very tough not to answer when asked about Salary requirements.

In the Next job tip, lets look at ways to “deflect the question back at them“.

#8 Advantages of Internship

Graduate students in USA should work hard to get an internship.

If you don’t have work experience, then try harder to get an internship position. Work as an intern for atleast 2 semesters.

Finding an internship has 3  advantages

  1. Job Search Experience
  2. Experience for Resume
  3. Internship to  Full time Job.

If you learn how job search process works, it will reduce your learning curve by several folds (maybe over 80%)  about the job search process.

You will get much-needed work experience for your career and resume.

Very likely, company and your manager will hire you, if full-time position become available and your performance is good.

It takes about 5 to 7 months to learn about the job search process. By applying for an internship, you are learning the tips and tricks of the job search process.

Interview process might not be as tough as full-time job. But, overall process of applying for internship will be the same as applying for full-time job.


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  1. I have a peculiar problem. When I google my name, instead of my publications, provocative pics of a model with the same name pop up. Its outrageous! I actually have had a professor comment on it to my mentor- “why does a successful girl in the glamour industry want to study here? Will she be able to cope with it?” Nothing can be done about my faux-profile!! 😀

    1. You don’t have to worry about that nor have control over that. Does your Facebook or linked in profile shows up in first page?

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