U.S. Visa is Revoked Email from U.S Consulate Are Not Fake!

Several students on F1 Visa on OPT or STEM OPT have received an email from U.S. Consulate about Notice of Visa Revocation.

Here’s are some of the screenshots from members who got this email from U.S. Consulates in India.

June 5, 2020 – F1 Visa Revoked 221(i)

Here’s an email from U.S. Consulate in Mumbai.

usa visa revoked 221i not valid for travel

May 28 – 2020 – USA Visa Revoked – Effective April 20, 2020

Here’s an email from U.S. Embassy in New Delhi.

USA F1 Visa Revoked 221 USA Consulate New Delhi May 28 2020


As far as I can tell, there are several U.S. Visa holders on F1 OPT, F1 STEM OPT, Recently H1B Approved, got this U.S. Visa has been revoked email.

Here’s how you folks have reacted to Visa Revocation Emails:

  1. Visa Revocation Email is Spam – Ignore it.
  2. Visa Revocation Email is Fake – Ignore it.

Please don’t ignore this email. If you received an email, you have to talk to an Immigration attorney. You can analyze the heck out of this email, but reality will sink-in sooner or later.

The only way to know what will be your future implication is when you attend the Visa Interview at some time in the future and Visa Office determines your eligblity.

I’m hosting a live webinar on June 25 (PRevious Webinars were on June 10 and June 18), and I will show precisely from an official source on how this process works! 

Here’s a post from the F1 Visa Facebook Group.

Asking on behalf of my friend. She got this email from mailto:[email protected] today. She is on her STEM OPT and her evaluation was due today which she has submitted few days ago. Her H1 has been picked up and the attorney has filled for FY2021. Can somebody help? Is this a fake?

And here some of the replies from the non-believers who think that these emails are fake and spam!

usa visa revoked emails 221i fake spam


I can see why anyone would call these emails as fake and spam. Social media is just filled with so much crap (IRS Phone Scam, Deportation Phone Scam, Nigeria money transfer scam, etc.), so the natural reaction is to respond or discard this U.A. Visa revoked email as a fake email.

It’s easy for anyone to write a one-word comment – “FAKE,” but it’s not easy for those who received the email.

And only those who received the email know that their life just not normal since then.  Here is a telegram group (if you want to connect with others who go the Visa Revoked Email).

Here’s the reality:

  • Received the Email – Felling Confused (Why, What!)
  • Posted in the Facebook Group casing for others help
  • Some say it’s fake; others say it’s for real.
  • DSO says – SEVIS is intact and no changes
  • Connect with others who received the same email
  • While others are arguing the email is fake, there’s no reply from the Consulate.
  • Some say USCIS never sends an email; it’s all paper-based communications.
  • Those who got the email are analyzing the grammar, typo’s, contents of the email, comparing with others (that’s expected from an engineer)

Here’s the reality (& my limited understanding of this process):

When the Department of State revokes the Visa, the applicant and the airline would be notified about visa revocation.

  • Notifications are sent by email (to the email id listed on the DS-160)
  • Visa Posts could call the applicant (phone number listed on DS-160)
  • If the applicant is not reachable, they could reach out to the emergency contact listed on your DS-160

Confirmation from U.S. Consulate in Kolkata

The U.S. Consulate in Kolkata replied to an email to a person who asked if these emails are for real or fake.

I have seen arguments like those Integra, AZtech, Wireclass, and AndWill companies have sold the email database.

USA Visa Revoked Email Confirmation US Consulate Kolkata Confirmed reply

There you go!

All emails from our mailbox [email protected] are genuine/valid.

Please note that you will be unable to travel on your current U.S. Visa. If you would like to travel to the United States, you must re-apply for a new visa.

Please note, the replay to this email came from [email protected] which is listed in the contact information page of the U.S. Consulate in Kolkata.

Contact Information | U.S. Embassy & Consulates in India


Can the Consulate Revoke Issued U.S. Visas?

You will have a ton of questions:

  1. Will I be deported from the USA?
  2. What happens to my current OPT or STEM OPT?
  3. Can my employer apply for H1B Visa?
  4. Can I travel by the end of this year?
  5. I’m already stuck in India with COVID-19, and can I reenter the USA?
  6. How can the Consulate revoke a visa that was issued?

Here’s the Foreign Affairs Manual about Visa Revocation

9 FAM 403.11-4(A)  (U) Visa Revocations by Consular Officers

(CT:VISA-1061;   04-24-2020)

  • (U) Although the decision to revoke a visa is a discretionary one, you should not use this authority arbitrarily.  When practicable, you must:
    • (1)  (U) Notify the alien of the intention to revoke the Visa;
    • (2)  (U) Allow the alien the opportunity to show why the Visa should not be revoked; and
    • (3)  (U) Request the alien to present the travel document in which the Visa was issued.

9 FAM 403.11-4(A)(1)  (U) Required Procedures

(CT:VISA-1061;   04-24-2020)

  • a. (U) Informing Alien of Intent to Revoke Visa:
    • (1)  (U) You must notify the alien of the intent to revoke a visa, if such notification is practicable.  The notice of intent to revoke a visa affords the alien the opportunity to demonstrate why the Visa should not be revoked.  An after-the-fact notice that the Visa has already been revoked would not be sufficient, unless prior notice of intent to revoke was found not to be practicable in the particular case.
    • (2)  (U) A prior notification of intent to revoke a visa would not be practicable if, for instance, the post did not know the whereabouts of the alien, or if the alien’s departure is believed to be imminent.  In cases where the alien can be contacted and travel is not imminent, prior notice of intent to revoke the Visa would normally be required, unless the consular officer has reason to believe that a notice of this type would prompt the alien to attempt immediate travel to the United States.

Read the sentence highlighted in red (above).

That section talks about noticing the alien of visa revocation.

That’s the email notification that was sent from the Visa Posts.

Why did Consulate Revoke the Visas in this case?

When the first message (screenshot of F1 Visa Revoked)  was posted on the F1 Visa Facebook group on May 28, 2020, I noticed several members were commenting that they, too, received similar emails from the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi.

Within the next few days, similar emails came from U.S. Consulate in Kolkata and Mumbai.

I was trying to find the pattern – Why so many folks are getting this Notice of Visa Revocation email.

The first common theme was – they were all on STEM OPT.

So, I thought, STEM OPT is canceled (but that’s not the case).

Several members were asking if they all worked for Wireclass, Integra Technologies, Andwill, and AZTech. That’s when the typical pattern emerged!

Please note: There no official confirmation that everyone receiving these emails worked for them. This is based on the visa holders reporting they were employed by these companies, coupled with past CBP Entry denials at the port of entry and visa interview experiences.

According to this report from Immigration and Custome Enforcement, there are 2081 OPT and STEM OPT students in 2018 working for Integra Technologies and 854 students from AZtech Technologies.

2018 Top 200 Employers for OPT and STEM OPT Students

So the common theme seems to be the employer.

Looks like those who go the Visa revoked emails seem to have reported during OPT or STEM OPT Employment with these employers.

The assumption here is that false employment letters were provided without actual job offers! That would mean misrepresentation or some form of a status violation by the OPT/STEM folks.

Here are a few comments/feedback from folks who have commented about the same.

wireclass pay stem opt extension

Here are two more folks sharing their experience after Deported from the Port of Entry.

deported at port of entry wireclass

And here’s one more person saying that roommates got an employment letter to stop the OPT Unemployment days.

My roommate has taken an offer letter from them just to show that she is employed before the 90 day unemployment period. They are good at that. But she is not enrolled with them for the placement jobs

fake employment letter for opt is illegal

Here’s an indictment filed by ICE against Findream and Sunocontech for providing written proof of employment where there was no real job.

Chinese businesswoman indicted on student-visa, work-visa fraud charges ICE

Again, if this is what had happened with these Wireclass, Integra, Andwill and AZTech, and to confirm if that’s the case, you are most likely to reply to the email and ask why your Visa was revoked.

I’m pretty sure you will not get a reply from the Consulate, or even if you do, it will not contain answers to your questions. 

If you received the Notice of Visa Revocation from U.S. Consulate, I would do as follows:

  1. Stop arguing and analyzing if the email is spam or fake – It’s as real.
  2. Consulting with an Immigration Attorney (you can also attend the live event with an attorney and ask questions)

The moment you go to the email, you are scrambling to find out the reasons and potential impact of future visa stamping. But, there is another concern that you need to deal with right away –  Will you be deported?

Before you read the next part, which I know for sure is going to create some tension.

I’m not an attorney; please talk to one to get the right legal help! Please refer and read the following for yourself and get a legal counsel. Source – 1227 (a) (1)(B)

visa revoked [USC02] 8 USC 1227: Deportable aliens


I want to reiterate – Please don’t take these emails lightly. Only you know about your background and the possible reasons why visas could be revoked.

Your DSO could say to ignore, but please don’t.

I’m hosting two live webinars to discuss the Visa Revocation.

  1. Event 1 – How Visa Revocation Works (Wed – June 10) – Replay Available
  2. Event 2 – Q&A with Immigration Attorney (Thursday – June 18) – Replay Available
  3. Event 2 – FAQ’s about Visa Revocation (Thursday – June 25) – 6 PM EDT

These events should give you better clarity. If you are reading this after the above dates, you should be able to watch the replay.

To attend these two events, please join Premium Membership.

Why am I charging for these events by asking to join Premium Membership?

I have invested time to do the research, collected data to give you clarity, and bringing in an Immigration Attorney where you can speak directly and ask questions. If you were to do this on your own, each person is going to shell out a few hundred dollars for consulting!

You have to talk to an immigration attorney, but you will have a better understanding of this process, and I’m speeding up your learning curve!

Plus, your current employer’s Attorney is probably not going to help. If incase you knowing or unknowingly took employment letter (without real employment offer) – would you admit to your current employer?

These events should help you get a better understanding of what to expect next, then work with an Immigration Attorney to plan your next steps. Moreover, your consultation with Attorney would be 10 to 20 minutes.  The event with an experienced Immigration Attorney (of 25 years) lasted for 90 minutes.

Last but not least – Follow the Immigration Law. Folks always have a BUT attached to the reasoning for breaking the law.

Frequently Asked Questions about Visa Revocation

Q1. All formal notifications will be sent via postal mail. Department never uses email. So, can this Visa revoked emails should be spam or fake? 

Most of you have dealt with USCIS (OPT, STEM OPT, H1B Visa petitions). You never had any communications with the Department of State. Outside of DS-160 online form, you probably never interacted with DOS. Hence, the frame of reference would be USCIS and how they communicate back with applicants (via postal mail to send RFE).

You have to understand, the Department of State operates by sending emails or phone calls. You probably know some folks did not receive emails and was stopped at the airport.

Here’s the official text from FAM

c) Notice of revocation. Unless otherwise instructed by the Department, a consular officer shall if practicable, notify the alien to whom the visa was issued that the visa was revoked or provisionally revoked. Regardless of delivery of such notice, once the revocation has been entered into the Department’s Consular Lookout and Support System (CLASS), the visa is no longer to be considered valid for travel to the United States. The date of the revocation shall be indicated in CLASS and on any notice sent to the alien to whom the visa was issued. This paragraph (c) does not apply to provisional revocations under paragraph (b)(3) of this section.

Before April 2020, FAM also included a sample of the email that was sent to airlines and individuals. It’s been removed since them from the update. Hence, you will see a different email language coming from the consulates.

Q2. I received the U.S. Visa Revoked Email. What should I do next?

Please stay calm and get educated.

Get Educated about what to expect next.

It’s easy for me to write, but you have to deal with the emotions and stay positive.

Connect with others and see what they are doing. See the link to Telegram Group below.

Your friends should not be the source of legal advice (nor Happy Schools or Blogs).

Read as much as you can to get educated. Then hire an attorney to get reliable legal consultation. There’s no collective work here.

It’s you. Your profile. Your background. Your Visa Revocation. It will your Your Visa interview in the near future.

Summary: Notice of Visa Revocation

  • Visa Revocation email for real (it’s not fake news)
  • Visa and Status are two different things
  • If you received the email, then you need a new visa before you can visit the USA
  • Even if the current F1 visa stamp is valid, the airline (or CBP will not allow you into the country.
  • You would attend the Visa interview, get a new visa only then you can enter the U.S.
  • Consult a Qualified Immigration Attorney, but get educated first.


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  1. My friend also got to know that her visa got revoked and unsure why that may have happened (probably the company who filed for her visa may be responsible for revocation). Her SEVIS is maintained with F-1 visa, what are her next options? Tried contacting many lawyers, none seem to be helping her. Please help.

    1. There about 400 folks in that group. I’m not sure there’s another place with so many folks. Please note – I only run the group to keep things in order. What members discuss is up to them. I don’t recommend or respond to questions.

  2. Asking for a friend. What impact does this have on someone whose STEM extension EAD is pending. Case is shown as received but others who applied around the same time have got their EADs.

  3. Hi one of my friend recive a visa revoked email from chennai consulate, his wife on a f2 dependent visa and she is in India right now with his us born child. Will her visa will also get flagged during her travel back to US? Please put some light on this situation.

  4. I got the same email from Mumbai consulate saying that my visa has been revoked .I need to file for my stem opt .Will my stem get approved?Can somebody please help?

    1. My friend is also in a similar situation. Shall we connect on any social apps so that it would be helpful to know the current situation and how to deal it.

      1. I’m actually doing a webinar today (in 15 mins) with someone who cleared visa interview after revocation.

  5. my brother on opt extension, who got a letter from integra technologies llc for the 1st 4 months of OPT to stop unemployment days was stopped at indian airport trying to fly back to usa after a vacation. he did not know about this until the day he went to the chennai airport. The BA checkin agent said the CPB put him on no fly to usa as the provided visa was revoked.
    he thought BA is messing around, so he rebooked on etihad in few days and the same thing happened. He then tried to get an appointment at the consulate. During the interview the officer grilled him about the integra LLC inspite of well paying good job he has currently and finally did not approve his visa and marked cancelled on his current visa.

    He also has a friend who had his h1b aprroved and was rejected during his stamping.

    according to his experience he feels there is no chance of going back to the usa. it is almost a black mark.

    so, people getting emails and are still in the usa are infact lucky, my brother had to deal with his lease, car and other things staying back in india. And suddenly unemployed.

    i would say if you are working, currently and got an email, save up as much as you can, start finding jobs in other countries and start understanding usa is not everything.

    1. Thanks for sharing this. Folks who got this Visa REvoked email are looking for this exact same information. What’s going to happen in the interview. Can you send the details of what happened in the interview using the contact form? https://www.happyschools.com/contact/ I also sent you an email.

      1. Hello Raghu,

        My H1b was also revoked and I knew it only when I was trying to board flight. I also had an voluntary work letter for the first 3 months of OPT. I went for stamping again in March 2020, and my H1b was approved after 2 days of 221g. I was questioned at the CBP again, but they didn’t ask me about my opt. So I am not sure if I will have problems again.

        1. can you provide more insight on this. You went for h1b stamping again for a new employer? did the new employer apply for your h1b from India or did you resolve the initial issue of h1b revoked. Please provide more info.
          Also what do you mean by “my H1b was approved after 2 days of 221g”?
          did you submit a waiver of any form for inadmissibility ?

          Thanks and please guide Reddy

      2. Hi Ragu,

        What happens in these revocation interviews. How should one answer in these interviews. How can I know these things. Please let know.

    1. I still have to pay a mortgage, buy groceries and they are not giving it for free (even in this situation). Air India Charges to fly back Indians ($1400 one way) even in this situation! Some folks who get this visa revoked email paid these companies to get the fake letter! Are you working for free even in these times?

    2. What’s shameful in that? He’s not forcing you to pay anything. Its up to you. If someone feels that it’s worth then they’ll pay for it, since its a service. Nothing comes for free. I myself don’t find it worthy to take a premium membership, but that doesn’t mean that I get to judge others for charging for a “service” they are providing.

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