Here’s Why Foreign Students in U.S. Are Unique and Better Prepared for Life

foreign students in usa

Millions of students graduate from colleges and universities every year. The only handful has the desire to be different. But, those who study have much higher ROI of Studying Abroad.

ROI: Education, Communication Skills, Maturity, Better Problem Solver, Culturally Diverse, etc.

You are one among the handful, who have the desire to be different.

First, the desire to study in the United States of America make you unique and different from the rest of the people.

You could have any number of reasons to study in U.S. but do you realize that just the desire to face the unknown makes you so unique from the rest of the group?

What’s True ROI of Studying Abroad?

It is easy to find a job after completing studies or study post graduation in your home country. But, you decided to take the challenge.

Experience that you gain from the process of studying in U.S. makes you different.

Let’s walk-through some of the challenges you have to face/overcome. It’s that desire coupled with the effort, makes you stand apart from others.

  1. Only small percentage of students have desire to study in U.S. from your class.
  2. Only half  of those exclusive group take initiative to learn about the Study Abroad in U.S.
  3. Only small percentage of that group will prepare and take exams like GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, PTE Academic, etc.
  4. Not everyone who took exam go forward with application process and drop out due to one or more of the following reasons
    • Opt for countries where it takes less effort to get admission.
    • Parents not supporting their quest
    • Too expensive to study in U.S.
    • Decided to work instead of education
    • Try to come to US visa H1B or L1
  5. You have crossed above 4 stages and applied for admission.
  6. Not everyone with I-20 will get student visa to US.
  7. Small percentage of visa holders drop out due to personal reasons (Family, Health, ..)
  8. Most of you will travel in the flight for the first time in your life to U.S. (How cool is that?)
  9. During your course education, you will
    • learn to the make decisions in your life for first time
    • understand the impact of making incorrect decision
    • learn to cook, starve, do laundry, meet friends from different walks of life
    • realize friends goal in life is different than yours
    • realize the value of money take care of finances
    • learn to be independent
    • Start looking for jobs that will pay you
  10. Level of Education is much higher, so your skills will improve every course you study.
  11. Understand U.S. culture and adapt to new lifestyle
  12. Complete your education after overcoming so a many other challenges.

There are lot more that we can add to the list. After completing a journey that started 3 to 4 years back, you will realize that you are an important person too. You did something only few have accomplished.

Opportunity to study in U.S.  is available to everyone, but you made use of the that. Now, you can enjoy the moment and feel proud and unique.

  • Prospective Student: If you are in the process of applying to U.S. for grad school, keep-up your good work. Every challenge you overcome, you are getting one step closer to be considered  UNIQUE.
  • Current & Graduated Students: Would like to hear your experiences (challenges, stories, ..) that you came across.

What’s the TRUE ROI of Studying Abroad?

It’s not just money. But, it much more.

It’s the value you add to the society. You are better person overall. You attitude and thinking is superior. It will pay dividends for generations to come for your family.

Next – Why Studying Abroad is 100 Folds Better

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  1. Hi Raghuram, HSB members, fans,
    I am an MS-in-CS aspirant working in IT MNC in India for a year and with BE in Electronics. I would like to know whether the transfer of streams undermines the chances of availing scholarships. I feel the blog related to scholarship/contacting professors was much about past researches and papers in the same stream (CS). I mean to say, how can I convince the professor regarding my research interest in his particular field when I don’t have any corresponding projects/papers/experiences in the past. In the blog, I saw that mailing professors about HIGH GRE/TOEFL and ACADEMIC scores was a bad practice. So how can a non-CS guy crack a scholarship when that remains to be the only weapon? Has anyone been successful in this particular scenario as of mine?. As of me, I have strong academic background and expecting good GRE and TOEFL scores.
    Looking forward to a reply soon
    Thanks in advance and; HSB, Keep up the good work!!

      1. Thank you for your suggestion. As I have read in one of your blogs, could you name a few universities that has no prerequisites for such cases as mandatory. Much thanks!!

  2. hi i am fresher in computers stream and i was preparing for ielts is dis enough for doing ms in usa in top colleges…

  3. I will not waste my time writing a long comment for this awesome post. the post is no doubt very encouraging, but I would like to make a point here. Studying in US or in some other country is not a problem, coz that is for the enhancement of knowledge, but why people go and become a NRI??
    What is your opinion? do you go and will stay there or will return like SWADESH of SRK and build your country??? I would say that let’s go and learn the recipes when we will come back we will cook for our own country…

  4. Within a short period of time HSB has become my best friend….this article has inspired me a lot..I am a student of third year of engg. and by reading this article i have strongly decided to be one of those few people who actually study in US universities and brighten their career…

    1. hai
      this is prudhvi raj from warangal
      which article do you preferd and iam from 4th year student of engg

  5. hay friends its eassy to say but making that in pratcial is much hard and hard working person never fall i think a man become hardworking when he fall one time and get up ,,,,,,,,,,,,
    every mistake have a query and every back up have a table but table dont have the software to run

  6. Hi,

    I got 1200 Q:720 and V:480 Essay:3.5. Where can I study a M.S in Electronic Engineering in the United? How to get admitted? Can I get financial aid?

  7. very encouraging and all your articles are very informative . thanks a lot ……keep writing !!!!

  8. You deserve every possible accolade, not just for maintaining a uniquely wonderful blog site with a plethora of information for potential students wanting to study in the U.S., but also for always adopting a positive, encouraging tone, without resorting to the banal “All is well” mantra! Well done HSB … keep up the good work!

  9. Really encouraging. I doubted myself through each stage. After reading it, I really feel good about myself. Thank you for that.

  10. The initial part is very realistic, I am undergoing it now ! Very encouraging ! Thanks HSB !

  11. This is one of the best sites on the net!! Very very inspiring, encouraging, and very very very informative. Keep up all the good work!!!

  12. wow……..this is really motivating………..I'm a regular visitor to HSB, ut none had gained my attention this much…………..thank u so much for such a nice article………, i'm doin my B.E in Information Science and my interest lies in aeronautics for masters…………can u please suggest me as to which field I can opt? Is it that I have to continue only in CS or IT field (as I m doing my under grad in that area), or if I REALLY wish, can I do masters in a different field? Kindly suggest me……………

  13. yo buddy

    you are true

    internationl students are unique because they abandoned their motherland and home for welfare of their motherland and home

    all the credit goes to the that great inspirer who is sitting in everybody's heart

  14. I need a school with international grant from U.S.A i have graduated from my home country with bachelor in accounting and i need to advance in my career send me a school with education grant.

  15. i think there are countries offering ms course cheaper than us .the cost of living and other entities are damn expensive in us.but the standard of course is great in us compare to others.this makes US UNIQUE….

  16. hi my name is mike ,,i have a question about working in us,,i am f 1 student and i have social security number without work autorisation ,,can i work legal in US and it won;t hurt my status ?thaksss

  17. hai iam suresh kumar

    i completd my -b-tech in NIET at 2009 batch

    its the true article

    yes every student will intrest for usa

    the main purpous is earnig money

    and education also

    both are equal to maintain in the usa

    so mostly studemnts will prefer to usa

    actually parents are thinking about

    children will get any job urgent in usa

    like this 🙂

  18. arun prasath/maharaja engineering college final year

    Happyschoolsblog is an amazing site for all news & stuffs regarding studying abroad. I am an ardent fan of this site and have been referring to a lot of my friends who are planning to study abroad like me !

  19. i am in final year engineering frm

    BE IT

    .this website gives in a outlook of what

    studyin in US is goin to be and help us prepare for the best

  20. It is really Very interesting, motivating and wonderful article.happly school blog is doing a wonderfull job.. I love it very much

  21. Its being the Blessing of GOD that HE give me opportunity to read this article. Its also one of advantage of technology that we can read this article just at our desktop .This Article completely tell the Pre-Joining Step which should be adopt by each and every student from any country of the world . At some extent this will help student regarding choosing their future studies in United States . Hats Off to the Writer and Happy Schools to give us this opportunity. Cheers

  22. What do you guyz think of US universities coming to India? Does it provide same quality of education? We can discuss this topic in detail.

  23. Good Article. Clears all the doubts that a student may encounter during that crucial time of deciding on the future.. So anyone having second thoughts should just clear their (heads of their doubts), go ahead and enter the 'LAND OF OPPORTUNITY'….

    An aspiring MS student,


  24. Very distinctive and impressive article. I love all the articles, in fact, published in the blog – they are much informative and helpful to make right decision.

    The use of phrases amalgamated with wit and literature have made this article interesting campaign to desseminate invaluable information and a vital tool for marketing US Education to potential and current students.

  25. A feel good and encouraging article…

    Shows how students pursuing MS stand apart in their own way…

    Hi-five to the author of the article!!!


  26. Hi HSB,

    I am in the process of studying for GRE and aspiring to go to US. This article [ as like your other articles ] is very inspiring. I am high spirited now. Thanks to you guys.

    Keep up the good work.



  27. here comes another excellent article from HSB, i am proud that i am one of the students planning for education in USA

  28. Very motivating article.

    To be frank I have dropped my US plans after low score in TOEFL and delay in applying for Fall'10. I have only one reason for my negligence – working as a System Administrator for more than 3years. (I am a 2006 graduate). After reading this article, I have decided retake TOEFL (third time now) and will definitely apply for Spring'11.

  29. Very interesting to read this article…its really motivating..happly school blog is doing a wonderfull job.. I liked itvery much


    I am studying in US.

    I was feeling somewhat low today, being lonely and because of the busy hard routine.

    Sometimes you need someone to pat your back and say "Keep it up!". This article is just like that.

    It has infused me with enthusiasm and a feeling that I am doing something unique. If I am paying a cost both physically and mentally… then its worth it. I am going to start up again with new energy.

    Thanks HSB,

    Love and Regards from Los Angeles,

    Varun Kumar

  31. Dear sir,

    i feel really motivated and encouraged by this article ,i feel very happy to read it, really at times i have thought to opt out of the quest to US , but after readings this i feel very special.Before three months when i planned to do Masters,i was totally blank.Now i have gained a lot from your valuable posts.

    Thanks a lot for your good work.


  32. Lovely article. This however is *HIGHLY US BIASED*, I would really hope the HSB admin would recognise that schools in other countries are also top ranked and hold high esteem 🙂

    PPL there are also unique.

    1. Agree to you partially. Let the numbers speak for itself. As long as U.S. is ranked number ONE destination for Education above article will hold true and students from U.S. schools will be UNIQUE. At the same time, students have to go face similar circumstances in other countries too. But, the process of getting admission/visa/life in U.S./jobs is tougher than any other countries.

      1. Admission VISA and Life in US is tougher than other countries only if it is ivy league or top ranked colleges. There are colleges in the US that would give admits to almost anyone willing to spend. When we talk about students going to high ranked schools either US or Canada or Europe.. Its not just the US, They are all UNIQUE !

        1. well said karthikeyan…!

          HSB the article is very good and i am a huge fan of ur blog but there r many other universities in other countries which are far more better than that of USA so u just cant shrug of other countries.

          1. I will agree other countries are far better, when number of students going to study in those countries exceed USA.

          2. I will agree with ur point HSB but there 2 things that i would like to mention

            1st is that as u said USA is a land of opertunities so obviously many students will opt for it and its true.

            2nd is that many students r not aware of other countries which r offering far more better quality of education and lyf than USA.

            finally no other country could beat USA in terms of attracting international students due to its huge geographical area,good living conditions and a large number reputated universities and schools but in coming years the number of students going to USA to persue their studies will difinitely decrease but still USA stands in the number 1 position. 🙂

  33. Very good article i have ever read about Study in USA.It's telling the value of students who did and opt to do master's in usa. I am happy that people started recognizing the student's Struggles to do come here and finish the studies. I agree n support each n every point mentioned here. By the way…nice picture to represent Uniqueness.

    once again I love the Article.

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