
Top 20 Responses for “This Best Thing You Learned as a Student in the USA” Are Going Viral

The benefits of Studying abroad come with a package of learning opportunities.

So, I wanted to know, “The one best thing student’s learned in the USA as a student.”

After over 260 responses, these top responses are funny and insightful and make you think for a second.

By the way, don’t forget to pick your favorite response. Pick a Number and comment below.

1. Honesty is the Best Policy


2. Strangers Do Help


3. India is the Best


4. The House Always Wins


5. Munching in the Class


6. Can you hold the Door Please


7. Becoming the Best


Are you wondering why #becoming is a Hashtag in the above comment?

It’s because of this fantastic book Becoming by Michelle Obama (Check it Out).

“Your story is what you have, what you will always have. It is something to own” — a quote from Becoming.


8. Keep Smiling


9. Can we have your Chicken Biryani for to-go?


10. Did some say Food?


11. Did some say FREE Food?


12. I know everything about everything 


13. Is it going to snow or rain today?



14. The comment speakers for itself 🙂



15. Ouch! that hurts


16. What have I gotten into?


17. Someone doesn’t like Pineapple and Pizza!


18. Beer says, “Hey, what about me?”


19. Stranger Danger, but wait!


20. The Definition of Luck


Stay tuned for Part 2 of this same question.

These are funny responses; what about Life Lessons learned?

I’m talking about Serious Stuff!

Yes, there are plenty of them to come.

By the way, which one is your favorite response. Pick a Number and comment below.

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