Rutgers University – Average GRE Scores

In tis article, you will learn about Rutgers  – The State University of New Jersey, Average GRE Scores of students admitted to Graduate School and chances of getting RA, TA or Fellowship.

Profile Rutgers

  • Rutgers University is a leading national public research university.
  • Campus – 3 campus in New Jersey (Newark, New Brunswick, Camden)
  • Student Population – Total 52,000 (from 50 US states and 100 countries; 39,000 UG;  13,600 Grads)
  • Accreditation – Middle States Commission on Higher Education in 2008
  • 27 Schools and Colleges

Average GRE Scores

If you know the average GRE scores of Universities, then its easy to select the universities. In the table below, you can find the Average GRE scores for Rutgers University from 2000 to 2009.

Year Camden Newark New Brunswick
2000 1005 1016 1223
2001 1000 1008 1209
2002 1016 1071 1223
2003 1028 1052 1232
2004 1043 1052 1234
2005 1104 1080 1256
2006 1045 1053 1235
2007 1057 1088 1245
2008 1057 1090 1239
2009 1039 1077 1232

From 200 to 2009, average GRE scores stayed between 1200 to 1260. So, if you are looking to get into Rutgers, New Brunswick campus, try to have GRE Above 1300 for Engineering programs. With Revised GRE, above score will have to converted to the new scale.

Financial Aid Percentage

Lets looks at total number of Graduate students enrolled in all 3 campus vs percentage of those students who got some form of financial aid.

Grad Students TA GA Fellows Total Aid Aid %
12196 1068 647 583 2298 18.84
12203 1090 699 524 2313 18.95
12904 1074 746 500 2320 17.98
13150 1064 788 534 2386 18.14
13124 1093 742 532 2367 18.04
12944 1092 644 547 2283 17.64
12872 1089 630 588 2307 17.92
13312 1081 582 551 2214 16.63
13569 1066 598 563 2227 16.41
14123 1089 620 566 2275 16.11

So, if you were to attend Rutgers University, you have about 20 to 30% chances of getting financial aid. Additional details about Rutgers can be found here.

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  1. how is it going to matter if the pattern now changes……..i gave my GRE and got a 1220…what are the chances of me getting an admission in decent universities

  2. i scored 1070 in my gre exam 780 in quant section and 290 in verbal. please let me the university in which i will be able to apply. i have got two year job experience. and my overall gpa is 3.08.

  3. first of all thank u for providing informations. right now i am doing PhD in Molecular and Cell biology in UTD. I am in first semester. my GRE score was 1310. i wanna transfer New Brunswick campus of Rutgers univ. am i eligible to apply for the same course in Rutgers univ.

  4. Great info mate ….. keep the good work …….. this blog is really very helpful …… Will be more helpful if u can post such information about other universities also ……

  5. Sir,

    i am a M.Pharm student from Annauniversity, India, i have a masters grade of 8.5 CGPA, My gre score is 1200 and Toffel – 100. i have 1 year R&D experience.

    Will i have a chance to do my PhD in pharmaceutical sciences in rutgers university with full funds?

  6. I'm starting off at Rutgers this fall. It's a great school, very diverse and very beautiful! Nearly all PhD students are covered by assistantship here.

    1. Hey my score is 1050. can you plz tell me if i can get admission in pharmaceutical sciences and also how did you apply?

      1. hey my gre score is 1000 will i be able to get to get admits in universities in US.
        If yes then please can you help me about which ones.

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