pritam video interview h1b visa salary

300% Increase in Salary Between Jobs on H1B Visa – Interview With Pritam

You are going to be mesmerized when you watch this interview with Pritam Banerjee. I interviewed Pritam in 2012 to promote The University of Texas at Tyler. Since then he has graduated, worked for a startup, improved his programming skills and switched jobs a few times.

Today, his salary has jumped 300% since his startup job.  Anyone working on H1B and F-1 Visa students would be like “WOW” and want to know the company that pays that kind of salary. But, I wanted to know what he did to get that kind of raise.

When you come to this U.S. people change, personality changes and your looks do change. Well, I couldn’t recognize Pritam. Watch Pritam’s first interview, then you should continue to watch this interview. Then you can associate the changes that happen with people over the years after coming to the U.S. I noticed several changes since he was a student.

Watch The Interview with Pritam

Interview Summary:

  • Join Free 7 Days Job Search Bootcamp Course via Email
  • Pritam’s Job Search journey
  • How to develop programming skills
  • Where he’s working now
  • Why he changed jobs
  • Impact of UT Tyler experience on his career
  • Definition of Hard Work
  • Lessons for students who want to make it to the top
  • How not to study Computer Science Degree


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One Comment

  1. I would like to know people who are earning high doing mechanical jobs and which field is best suited for mechanical engineers in USA. I am really confused with what subjects to choose from my course. As I have to establish myself into some specialization in Mechanical Engineering for getting a job. Hope this will help me out . Thanks raghu . will wait for your reply.

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