Do Question Your Thought Process on Career and Compensation

thinking process
When selecting a college major do you give importance to career path, compensation and upward mobility?

What was your thought process like?

If you pick a college major based on above 3 factors, you are making a huge mistake.

Scenario 1:

I was chatting with my uncle about his son’s MS in USA plans. He received 4 admits and I was giving my opinion about the universities, life in USA and explaining the pros and cons of each university.

During the conversation, I explained about importance given by parents and students to career path, compensation and upward mobility.

Scenario 2:

Two weeks back, I met a recent high school graduate. He’s waiting for his 12th grade results. He wants to study Electrical Engineering, then MBA and find a job in a Bank/Financial Sector.

My question – “If your aim is to work in financial field, why do you want to study engineering?”


Likewise, many of you reading this article selected a college and major based on career path, compensation and upward mobility right?

If i look at frequently asked questions by prospective students, top questions are about job opportunities and time to pay off the loan.

I want you to think and reflect why you gave importance to career path, compensation and upward mobility.

  • Did you even question the decision about choosing a college major?
  • What was your thought process when deciding to study graduate degree in foreign country or even college degree in your home country?
  • What other factors did you consider?
  • Did you even consider any other factor?
  • Did you make the decision?
  • Did your parents make the decision for you?

Share your thought process with in the comments section below.

Let’s take a deep look into your decision-making process and questioning ability.

Reason I wanted to  you to question the through process about career and majors is don’t be a sheep.

I’m seeing lot of students choosing a major, just because their dad’s friend’s son got a good job after studying a certain degree in certain college.

Dig deep into your heart and determine what you like about  your interests and career. Then make a decision. Not just based on someone’s interest and recommendations. Here’s another student blaming his parents – My Parents Literally Destroyed My Career.

Start questioning. Get Better.

Do share this with your Facebook friends ( Like) and have them share their thoughts.

Next –  15 Smart Job Search Strategies for Job Seekers

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  1. I wanted to say medicine. Now I hv cmpltd my 12th in bi.p.c. My parents are forcing me to tak agbsc because they’rzz noo good future for doctor. And I can’t tak any decision now because frm 6th class my dream was to become doctor. Now how can I leave my life ambition. I didn’t wanted to study for job and money. I wanted of study because it’s my passion…. What to do now I am not getting any idea.
    Frnds who ever read my story plzz send mee ur thought…..

    1. The same thing is happening with me. I also want to study medicine its my dream, my love. I want to love with it. But my parents are forcing me to study commerce, i have told them so many times that i dont want to study business. But they are understanding anything. Please help me. I dont want to spoil my career.

    2. Hey simran.i know how it feels.and I have recently come across one video ,where one girl and I dont know her name, but she got a nice job and she thought of taking medicine and she is studying medicine.if you have capability or if u can able to do medicine you can do even after getting a job.i guess.or even u can take b.pharm(dont mind it’s just a suggestion).so choose what to do…why everyone says no to medicine means it takes approximately 11 years to become a certified by the time u complete medicine u will be at age its quite lengthy course and that’s the reason mostly everyone suggests to take other course leaving bipc aside..but as I said now, if u have interest u can do medicine after getting a nice job…

  2. Sir,
    I have passed with B.Tech in Comp Sc & Engg in the year 2012 with gpa of 5.2/10. I dont have any work experience either.But I really to work hard now and get a masters in my field from a universitybin USA.
    Will I get admission in any of the colleges in USA with my this profile ?

    1. Thousands of students with similar profiles get admission to study in USA every year. So, you can aswell.

  3. sir,
    i am currently in 3rd year mechanical enngg.
    i wanna pursue aeronautical engg for post grad from states but the only thing bothering me is that seniors tell that there are no jobs for grads(international students) as i am from a middle class family ,i will be taking loan for my education and if i dont get job then i will be in destitution
    another option is that i shall take industrial engg for post grad which guarantees job so what shall i do? PASSION V/S JOB….please help

  4. Dear Raghu

    I think I sort of stand in second scenario. But my case is kind of different. I have been living in America for almost 3yrs. I will be a high school graduate in about 2 months. My parents live in India and I live with my guardians (I’m US citizen by birth). My parents wants me to study in India due to financial problems. I have a great interest in business, although my parents are in half support with it. They want me to study Comp. Sc/ IT for 4 years (Undergrad) Then come back to US for MBA. They want me to major in Comp. Sc. because their is more scope in IT field than in business. I kind of like this idea because I’m planning to work for 2-3 yrs before pursuing MBA.

    Can you please suggest, that whether my decision is right or wrong! Or any suggestion just in general.

    Thank you.

    1. Hey dude, it is your life, take control of it. If you want to study something, go for it. I know college is expensive, particularly UG, but you can easily repay the student loans if you are sincere.

  5. Choose your path relevant to your passion and how u planning to lead ur life. Major key element is your family situations and how u going to change the same. Life is not next 2 or 3 yrs, it starts after 2yrs next to ur career.

  6. More like a 3 idiots movie question , its this recent trend the student tend to take in this tight market where jobs are hard to come by for freshers and this battle in the US about working restrictions and all… guess these are couple of the reasons that forces them to make these choices….

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